What are Perennial Weeds?
Perennial Weeds are longer lived plants that can survive winter or regrow from roots, rhizomes or tubers in spring after a period of dormancy. Many weeds that grow from seed ...
The term ‘Broadleaf Weeds’ refers to a very large number of different weed types that fit into a similar pattern of having mostly broad leaves, as well as being treatable by the same type of herbicide.
Broadleaf Weeds can include many Wild Grasses, Clover, Bindi, Catsear, Dandelions and hundreds, if not thousands, of other weeds types.
Because the category of Broadleaf Weeds is so varied and immense in size, it is often the first type of herbicide to turn to when there is multiple, or unknown, weed types in home lawns.
A spray with a Broadleaf herbicide will usually kill many weeds in its first application, leaving only more specific weed-types which can then be easily identified and treated.
There are many different brands of Broadleaf herbicides available and they are all very similar in their applications.
They can be bought from an online lawn care store like myhomeTURF’s online shop in a concentrated form and mixed up in a spraying bottle as per the manufacturer’s directions.
Spraying the lawn is very straight forward. However, the homeowner should keep these points in mind when planning to spray:
Buffalo lawns are extremely sensitive to Broadleaf weed sprays.
This is because the herbicide used to attach itself to the Broadleaf weeds also attaches itself to the broadleaf of Buffalo grass. The result can be sickness or even death of the Buffalo lawn.
Some Broadleaf herbicides are suitable for use with Buffalo lawns. So, always be very careful before choosing the right herbicide and always check the label, before purchase, as to its suitability for use on Buffalo grass.