Buffalo Grass

Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass is one of the true stalwarts of all turf grasses because it looks luscious, soft and green, tolerates up to 70% shade, is low in maintenance and very water efficient. This warm-season grass is an ideal all-round choice for Australian homes with the new generations of Buffalo been bred with soft leaf blades making them softer underfoot. These new generation buffalo’s include Prestige® Buffalo, Sapphire® Buffalo, and Palmetto® Buffalo.

These new ‘soft leaf’ Buffalo lawns are also distinctly greener in colour, self-repairing with a growing nature that is less invasive to garden edging compared to Couch or Kikuyu grasses. Buffalo grasses all respond and grow well in sandy, lightly salty, or alkaline soils and their thick growth habit means they out-compete weeds.

Buffalo Turf Features

  • Attractive Dark Green Colour
  • Winter colour
  • High Shade tolerance
  • High Drought tolerance
  • Low Maintenance
  • Excellent wear tolerance
  • Salt tolerance


1. Shade Tolerance

Soft Leaf Buffalo grasses are the most shade tolerant warm season lawn types in Australia due to their broadleaf which captures more sunlight.

The best shade tolerant Buffalo can withstand up to around 70% shade per day, such as Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo.

While most other Buffalo grasses can expect to tolerate between 60% – 70% shade levels, such as Prestige Soft Leaf Buffalo or Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo.

With these points in mind, you can rest assured about growing a Buffalo lawn under regular partial shaded conditions.

Finally, be aware that all grasses, even Buffalo, need some direct sunlight each day, and will most certainly die-off if a minimal amount of sunlight is not received.

2. Drought Tolerance

Due to Buffalo grasses large, deep root system it is an efficient water user and can stay greener for longer during dry conditions.

Buffalo is one of the only warm season grasses that does not brown off in drought if not given any ‘top-up’ water.

However, if there is a long period of drought, Buffalo will need some watering to survive.

Try not to leave your Buffalo lawn brown from drought stress for more than 1 week if possible.

Buffalo lawns are also known for having a full and fast recovery rate once drought and water restrictions have ended.

3. Winter Colour

Close-up shot of Buffalo Grass

For many lawn lovers, winter colour is a very important characteristic when choosing the right grass for their home.

Winter colour refers to the ability for each Buffalo grass type to retain its green colour during winter. For example, the least amount of browning-off or loss of green when the weather turns cold.

Another added benefit of these new-generation Buffalo grasses is they are some of the best Buffalo breeds in regards to maintaining their winter colour.

4. Wear Tolerance


Buffalo grasses deep roots, and fast-growing stolons and runners enable them to recover quickly from wear.

The wear tolerance of Buffalo grass means families with pets and young children can rest assured that it can stand up to frequent use in most Australian backyards.


5. Salt Tolerance

Buffalo grasses can handle areas exposed to limited salt exposure making it suitable for most coastal areas or next to pools that use saltwater.  However, we don’t recommend you irrigate your Buffalo lawn with saltwater.

Popular Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf Varieties

Don’t be led to believe that all Buffalo grasses are soft leaf – some can still be scratchy! myhomeTURF has a collection of proven Soft Leaf Buffalo varieties that we would recommend:

  • Prestige Buffalo
  • Sapphire Buffalo
  • Palmetto Buffalo


Prestige Buffalo

Prestige® Buffalo – The ultimate and the next generation Buffalo.

Prestige Buffalo Turf

This new generation Soft Leaf Buffalo is one of the best and newest Buffalo grasses on the market. It is known for its consistent deep green colour, hard wearing, good recovery and drought tolerance. It also has up to 70% shade tolerance with low wear and up to 50% shade tolerance with moderate to high wear.

Where it grows: Prestige Soft Leaf Buffalo is well-suited for most parts of Australia including much of Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Your local Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.

Expect to pay: Between $13 and $16.50 per square metre. To get more Prestige Buffalo pricing info, visit our Prestige Buffalo info page and get 3 quotes from your local growers today.

Sapphire Buffalo

Sapphire® Buffalo – Get the softest of summer feelings underfoot.Woman Lying on Buffalo Sapphire Turf

Very soft fine leaf): This Soft Leaf Buffalo was rated as number one Buffalo for shade tolerance in independent Horticulture Innovation and Department of Primary Industry trials. Sapphire Buffalo also recovers well from wear, is a low thatch type and has good winter colour. The folding of its leaf creates extra softness and often protects it from frost.

Where it grows: Prestige Soft Leaf Buffalo is well-suited for most parts of Australia including much of Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Your local Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.

Expect to pay: Between $10 and $15 per square metre. To get more Sapphire Buffalo pricing info, visit our Sapphire Buffalo info page and get 3 quotes from your local Sapphire growers today.

Palmetto Buffalo

Palmetto® Buffalo – At home in every home. Dog Lying on Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo

Palmetto is the biggest selling Buffalo in the World. It offers low maintenance, less watering and is a great hard-wearing option family with kids and pets. Palmetto’s dense growth means it is harder for weeds to invade the lawn.

Where it grows: Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is well-suited for most parts of Australia including much of Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Your local Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.

Expect to pay: Between $10 and $15 per square metre. To get more Palmetto Buffalo pricing info, visit our Palmetto Buffalo info page and get 3 quotes from your local Palmetto growers today.

myhomeTURF’s Certificate of Authenticity provides you with the confidence and satisfaction that you have bought the genuine variety from our licenced farmers. Don’t forget to ask for your own certificate when you have purchased your new law – and enjoy!


The best planting time for all Soft Leaf Buffalo is anytime, but as with any plant spring is always the most favourable.

Caring For a Buffalo Lawn


Lawn mowing heights for Soft Leaf Buffalo grass should be higher than for other turf varieties, typically a height of 25mm – 50mm is desirable to maintain a healthy lawn.

Mowing heights should be increased in shaded areas, to between 50mm – 70mm, ensuring a longer leaf blade which absorbs more sunlight and allows the lawn to stay healthy with less light.

Soft Leaf Buffalo lawn responds well to mowing with either a cylinder mower or rotary mower.

For those concerned with mowing a Buffalo lawn too high and causing heavy thatching – don’t be!

Buffalo grass is a low thatch variety this means the lawn is less spongy and looks healthier.

Other grasses, such as Kikuyu and Couch, can have a high build-up of thatch preventing new roots from penetrating as deeply into the soil making the grass less tolerant to hot and cold conditions – this is NOT the case with Buffalo grass.

Additionally, the thick thatch can increase the lawns susceptibility to fungal disease by staying too moist in cooler conditions – again, this is NOT the case with Buffalo grass.

If Buffalo thatch does begin building-up, then a short cut back of the lawn in spring will usually help the problem and keep the thatch under control.

Mow your Buffalo grass every 7-10 days in the hot months and every 3-6 days in cooler months.

Watering a new Buffalo Lawn

Begin watering within a half an hour of having installed your new Buffalo lawn and apply at least 20mm to 30mm of water so that the soil beneath the grass is saturated – ideally to between 70mm to 100mm into the soil.

If you want to learn more about watering, make sure to read out guide to watering a new lawn.

Watering an Established Buffalo Lawn

Once your Buffalo grass is established then we recommend frequent and shallow watering as the roots will only grow as deeply as its most frequently available water supply.

Deeply rooted Buffalo lawn has a larger “soil-water bank” which it can draw moisture from, this subsequently helps your lawn survive during dry, hot conditions which rapidly dry out the upper soil layer.


To keep your Buffalo grass strong and healthy you do need to fertilise.

It is important to use a slow-release fertiliser on your Buffalo lawn once a month after installation.

Once your Buffalo grass is established apply fertiliser during April and early September.

If you want a quick green-up of your Buffalo lawn during the year then apply a fertiliser high in nitrogen to promote lush looking grass.

During the heat of summer avoid over fertilising or using manure-based products on your Buffalo grass.

Weeds, Pests and Disease

Buffalo grasses are resistant to most pests, weeds and diseases compared to other lawn varieties.

If problems do occur the following is advised:


Keep an eye out for Lawn Grub (for example, Web or Army Worm) and African Black Beetle. Apply Buffalo lawn suitable pesticides and always follow the labels directions. Ask your Local Garden Centre for advice.


 if you see signs of weeds, first try hand eradication but if they are quite prolific throughout the lawn apply a suitable herbicide that can be applied on Buffalo grass. Ask your Local Garden Centre for advice.

Any application of weed killers, especially those meant for Broad Leaf weeds, may damage or kill Buffalo grass. This is because the same principle that works to selectively attach the poison to the Broad Leaf of some weeds, acts in the same manner with the broad Leaf blades of Buffalo Grass.

Herbicides containing the active ingredients of Bromoxyl or MCPA are generally considered safe for Buffalo grass.

Whereas herbicides containing Dicamba should always be avoided for use on Buffalo lawns. If in doubt, always check the label for safe use on Buffalo grass or ask for advice from your Local Garden Centre.

However, if in further doubt, test your herbicide in a small inconspicuous area of the Buffalo lawn two weeks prior to any other application.


Most Buffalo grass varieties are quite resistant to diseases.

However, one disease that can affect Buffalo grass is Brown Patch.

Brown Patch is a fungal disease found in warm, wet conditions which produces brown, circular patches on your Buffalo grass ranging in size from very small up to a few metres in diameter.

The Brown Patches are sometimes surrounded by a grey, smoky outer ring, or sometimes just this outer ring surrounds green grass in the middle.

Controlling Brown Patch on your Buffalo lawn is through avoiding evening watering, removing thatch and using moderate amounts of a balanced fertiliser. If symptoms persist then use a recommended fungicide – seek advice from your local Garden Centre or online lawn store.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Buffalo lawn? Buffalo lawn is a warm-season grass that is bred with soft leaf blades making it softer underfoot.
  • Will Buffalo grass grow in the shade? Buffalo grasses are the most shade tolerant warm season lawn types in Australia due to their broadleaf which captures more sunlight.
  • How long does Buffalo grass take to establish? Buffalo grass takes about two weeks to establish as long as it is watered properly.
  • Does Buffalo grass need to be mowed? Mow your Buffalo grass every 7-10 days in the hot months and every 3-6 days in cooler months.
  • What does Buffalo grass look like? Buffalo grass is a striking green colour which looks luscious and vibrant.
  • Can you over water Buffalo grass?  Overwatering can cause root rot, disease, weed problems and excessive growth. It is far better to water your lawn deeper and less often than to water too frequently.
  • How do you take care of Buffalo grass? With good lawn maintenance such as watering, weeding, fertilising and mowing – you can maintain a luscious-looking Buffalo lawn.
  • What is the best time to lay Buffalo grass?  Buffalo grass can be installed any time of the year but as with most plants, spring is the best time.
  • Does Buffalo grass spread? Buffalo grass is known for being low maintenance as it does not spread into gardens or edges of the lawn.
  • How fast does Buffalo grass grow? Buffalo grass grows a lot quicker during spring and the warmer months.
  • How deep do Buffalo roots grow? Buffalo grass is known for having a deep-rooted system which makes it more water-efficient.
  • How much water does Buffalo grass need? Once your Buffalo grass is established, we recommended frequent and shallow watering as the roots will only grow as deeply as its most frequently available water supply.


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