Should You Choose A Kikuyu Or Buffalo Lawn?
Finding a lawn that can thrive in the harsh, yet diverse Australian climate, can be confusing. Depending on your climate and soil type, certain grasses may be better suited ...
Nara Zoysia™ is the Number 1 Aussie native choice for lower maintenance, high drought, salt and wear tolerance as well as good weed resistance. The high-performing, fine-leaf turf makes Nara grass suited to the homeowner who is looking for the benefits of a lush, vibrant green lawn in summer and while dormant in winter still maintains its colour well.
Nara Native Zoysia is a true all-rounder that performs under tough conditions without sacrificing on looks and feel. Even though Nara Zoysia is a native grass it still takes on the appearance of an eye-catching deep green domestic lawn and is soft to touch.
Nara turf is also an efficient water user and highly drought tolerant due to its deep-rooted system and superior attributes. It is an ideal choice for areas with low rainfall or council water restrictions. Nara is naturally salt-tolerant, making it perfect for beach and waterfront properties and is more resistant to pest and diseases that affect other Aussie lawns.
Nara Zoysia’s deep roots make for drought tolerance and water efficiency – therefore it is ideal for areas prone to water restrictions.
In drought studies, Nara Zoysia was found to be more drought tolerant than Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu turf.
Nara Native Zoysia is a very low maintenance lawn that requires less mowing, edging and fertilising compared to other varieties such as Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu.
Nara turf will need about 20% less mowing than Buffalo, 35% less than Couch and 55% less than Kikuyu.
It requires less edging than Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu, making Nara grass less invasive for the garden.
Nara is classified as a wear tolerant lawn type.
Nara Native turf has a high wear tolerance in both sun and semi-shade growing conditions compared to Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu.
Nara Native turf is the best grass for salt areas.
Growing close to a beach or on waterfront properties is not a problem for Nara zoysia.
It can handle the most salt at 24 deci-semen per metres (dS/m) over 15,000 parts per million – and Nara turf had the best salt tolerance results out of all the Zoysia varieties.
Nara turf was found to have excellent erosion control performance, strengthening the soil 58% which is 38.3% more than Kikuyu, and 54.8% more than Couch.
In a soil strength test, Nara Native turf was estimated to be as strong as 105 kilopascals.
When installing Nara Zoysia, it is best when the weather is not too cold.
It is best to avoid laying in the following months – please note this is only a guide.
If planted in warmer weather, Nara turf will establish relatively quickly.
Nara grass can be laid any time of the year in Brisbane and northern Queensland.
In early spring or autumn Nara Zoysia may take a week longer than other types to establish, but what’s a week compared to a lifetime of low maintenance!
Nara turf can be mown long or short depending on the desired finish you want.
If you want a green manicured bowling green, regular short mowing will be the best approach.
A general lawn usually can cope with fortnightly spring and summer mowing unless it is highly fertilised.
If you highly fertiliser your Nara turf, then mowing each 10-days is recommended for a neat long bowling green appearance.
With no spring to summer fertilising, Nara grass can be usually mown every 3 to 4 weeks and mow to a height of between 20mm to 45mm to prevent scalping.
Mowing practice can also help keep Nara turf greener in winter so leave the height at a moderate length for most of the year.
If after all the recommended fertilising the lawn browns off in winter, lightly mow the turf.
Under moderate frosts and even the odd heavy frost, only the tips of the leaf burns on Nara turf, so a light mow removes most of the burn making the lawn instantly green!
Water thoroughly and regularly after the Nara Zoysia has been laid to encourage a deep and vigorous root system.
With a deep root system, the new Nara turf will be able to fossick for water and therefore be more able to withstand hot dry conditions.
Once the root system is fully established, water the Nara Zoysia thoroughly only when needed (when a slight wilting is visible) – usually every 7-10 days in summer (on sandy soils more often) and with much less water in cooler months.
It is best to water your Nara turf in the early morning.
Remember, that infrequent deep watering promotes a healthy Nara lawn.
A great saving with Nara turf is the fact it needs less fertiliser than all other types of grasses, the recommendation is for a slow release fertiliser applied firstly in early April and again in September.
If you want your Nara Zoysia to retain a good winter colour, then fertilise well in autumn and winter and have it shortly mown – the results will make the neighbours very envious.
If your Nara turf is going to get a lot of wear and tear then remember to fertilise in autumn, winter and spring to maintain a lush dark green looking lawn.
However, if you want a low maintenance lawn, fertilise sparingly and mow very little – twice per year in some cases.
Nara Native Zoysia is able to outcompete most common weeds due to its dense growth when maintained.
If weeds infest, hand eradicate before seed heads develop or apply a suitable weedicide – ask your local garden centre for advice.
Nara turf is tolerant to a wider spectrum of herbicides compare to Buffalo grasses.
Nara turf rarely gets lawn diseases and copes very well with humid and dry conditions.
In colder areas, Nara Zoysia hides rust much better than many other types of grass, so it is a safe choice.
A Nara lawn copes well with the Country’s bugs and insects, probably because of its built-up immunity over the millions of years of development as a native species of Australia.
Nara turf has been found to be more resistant to Black Beetle, Army Worm and Web Worm compared to Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu grasses.
Nara Zoysia is tolerant of a wide spectrum of suitable pesticides.
Nara Native turf can be found in the Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.
Your local Nara Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.
Price-wise and for a low maintenance Zoysia, Nara costs between $12 and $22 per square metre.
To get more Nara Zoysia pricing info, visit our Nara Zoysia info page and get 3 quotes from your local growers today.
myhomeTURF’s Certificate of Authenticity provides you with the confidence and satisfaction that you have bought the genuine variety from our licenced farmers. Don’t forget to ask for your own certificate when you have purchased your new law – and enjoy!
Maintenance: Nara zoysia has up to 60% less ongoing maintenance than Couch or Kikuyu.
Water efficiency: Nara Zoysia is an efficient water user and highly drought tolerant – an ideal choice for areas of low rainfall or council restrictions.
Wear tolerance: Nara Zoysia’s deep rooted system means it copes well under tough wearing conditions.
Shade tolerance: Nara Zoysia has 40% to 50% shade tolerance – higher than Couch and Kikuyu.
Weed resistance: Nara Zoysia’s dense sward means weed invasion is low.