9 Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard

9 Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard

Mosquitoes are not just a nuisance when you’re trying to enjoy being outdoors in summer, their bites can also transmit a range of harmful diseases and parasites affecting humans and animals.

They can give people Ross River Virus, Barmah Forest Virus, Dengue Fever and Japanese Encephalitis, cause heartworm disease in dogs and spread Calicivirus to pet rabbits.

Health authorities recommend wearing loose light coloured long sleeve shirts and long pants and applying DEET insect repellent when outdoors, especially at dawn and dusk, and installing insect mesh on windows and doors.

But the best way to reduce the risk of being bitten is to prevent Mosquito populations from building up in the first place.

In this article, we explain the Mosquito lifecycle, how to guard against them and the best ways to control mozzies so you can make the most of your time outdoors.

9 Ways To Prevent Mosquitos

Get Rid of Stagnant Water

The best thing you can do is prevent water from collecting and becoming stagnant – Mosquitoes can lay hundreds of eggs in as little as a spoonful of standing water.

The eggs hatch into wrigglers which go through several moults before emerging from pupae onto the water surface as adults in as little as seven days.

Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite – they need blood for egg development – and can live for several months, hibernating over winter. The harmless males feed only on nectar and live for about a week.

Make it a habit to empty water from potential breeding sites such as pot plant trays, wheelbarrows, buckets and gutters, and change water in bird baths and pet bowls every day or two.

If you have a garden pond, add an electric aeration pump or fountain to create movement in the water, or stock it with native fish that will eat Mosquito larvae.

Address an uneven section of lawn to prevent water pooling there and check your sprinklers are working properly and not creating unnecessary puddles.

Replace Outdoor Lights

Like many insects, Mosquitoes are attracted to outdoor lights, especially bright white lights that emit heat.

Replace existing incandescent lights with a bulb that is less appealing, such as an opaque warm-hued yellow, orange or red LED light.

Trim Bushes and Shrubs

You’ve probably noticed that you’re more likely to be buzzed by Mosquitoes when the weather is warm, humid and still or you’re in a protected area that gets little or no breeze, such as a belt of trees.

Control weeds, pick up fallen branches and leaves, maintain your lawn at the recommended height and keep bushes, shrubs, hedges and trees trimmed to encourage air flow throughout your garden and reduce how much shelter it offers to Mosquitoes.

Install an Outdoor Fan

Mosquitoes are persistent and their bites painful but they’re actually pretty slow and weak at flying.

An oscillating fan in your outdoor area will often create enough breeze to keep you cool on hot days as well as deterring Mosquitoes from targeting you and your guests.

If that’s out of your budget, bring a mobile electric fan outdoors and hook it up to an extension cord. Just make sure you take it back inside when you’re finished.

Tidy Up

As well as getting rid of saucers, buckets or containers that can collect water, check garden furniture, sand pits, wading pools, trampolines and children’s toys which can also harbour Mosquitoes.

Using an old tyre for a swing? Drill a hole in it so water can drain freely.

Clean out your gutters so they can drain properly and fix any holes in window or door screens.

Tie tarps tightly over firewood, boats, barbecues or other large items kept outdoors to stop rainwater pooling in folds and low spots.


Mosquitoes don’t just lay their eggs in water, they’re also attracted to moist surfaces such as those created by thick layers of thatch on your lawn.

Regular dethatching and aeration can help increase air circulation, prevent waterlogging, reduce humidity and make your lawn less likely to harbour Mosquitoes.

Keep thatch layers no more than 12.5mm thick.

Add Mosquito Repelling Plants

There’s a range of plants that Mosquitoes will actively avoid.

Fortunately, many of them smell pretty good to us and they can make an attractive display in shaded areas favoured by Mosquitoes or near outdoor entertaining areas.

Try planting out Lemon Balm, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary, Basil, Sage, Marigolds, Lemon-scented Geraniums, Citronella Grass and Catnip, or grow them in pots so they can be moved around the garden as needed.

Use a DEET Insect Repellent

Products containing DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) are heavy duty personal insect repellents which can provide hours of protection against Mosquitoes and other biting insects such as Sandflies, Ticks, Leeches and March Flies.

They don’t kill insects but rubbed on exposed areas of skin create a water-resistant protective layer that deters biting.

Using an Insecticide

Once you’ve done everything you can to minimise Mosquitoes breeding in your yard, and taken steps to stop them from coming indoors, you might still need some assistance from insecticides.

Pyrethrum concentrates can be used in a fogging machine to knock down mozzies in sheds, kennels, stables and garden areas, but should not be used on flowering plants while Bees are foraging. Also, note the withholding period for harvesting edible plants.

Barrier sprays containing the active ingredient Lambda-Cyhalothrin can be used on entry points, such as window and door jambs and flyscreens, hiding spots, around the perimeter of the home and will kill and create a barrier to Mosquitoes on garden foliage.

Insecticides containing the active ingredient Bifenthrin also will provide long-term residual control.

Always wear the appropriate protective equipment – gloves, safety glasses etc… – and read the product label before using any insecticide.

Check whether the product is suitable for Mosquitoes and that it is safe for use on your grass type.

When to Apply Insecticides

Best results are obtained from treating the problem before pest numbers explode.

Spray only in the early morning or at night to avoid killing bees that forage in flowers during the day.

How Long do Insecticides Take to Work?

Some products act as a knockdown, while others will repel mozzies or interrupt the life cycle at the larval stage.

Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) larvicides (read more about them below) can kill wrigglers within 24 hours and last for up to 30 days.

Killing Mosquitoes Without Damaging your Lawn

Before using any product, check that it is suitable for Mosquitoes and safe for use on your grass type.

Recommended Products

Indigo Rumbler 100SC 1L

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Naturally

Sustained release larvicides containing the soil bacterium Bti have been used for Mosquito control in Australia for more than 30 years and are approved for organic operations.

They’re non-toxic and will not harm people, pets, animals, fish or other insects, including Bees.

You can also protect your family and guests against mozzie bites when entertaining outdoors by using mosquito rings, citronella torches, coils and candles, or sticky traps, electronic traps, zappers or repellers.

For more information about managing pests in your lawn, and to browse our range of lawncare products from leading brands, visit myhomeTURF’s online store.

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