Sapphire® Soft Leaf Buffalo

Sapphire® Soft Leaf Buffalo

Sapphire Buffalo® is an Australian bred fine leaf textured turf with very high shade tolerance, unbeatable softness and qualities that suit a tough climate and wear and tear. With the ultimate luxury feel, Sapphire Buffalo requires less mowing is hard-wearing as well as being drought tolerant.

When comfort is a top priority, along with less maintenance then any homeowner who loves a good-looking lawn can’t go past Sapphire Buffalo.

Sapphire Buffalo was bred in Australia from the older Australian variety – Sir Walter Buffalo Turf. Like with any newer variety, Sapphire Buffalo looks so much better and has been found to be the number one Soft Leaf Buffalo for shade tolerance.


Why Choose a Sapphire Buffalo Lawn?

There are a variety of reasons home-owners choose Sapphire Buffalo for their lawn:

  • Great for shady areas
  • Copes with tough climate
  • Hard-wearing and low maintenance
  • Beautiful deep-green colour

1. Great for shady areas

Sapphire buffalo has great shade tolerance.

Independent research has found that Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo, in 70% shade cover, maintains quality and growth and outperforms other Buffalo varieties such as Shademaster, Sir Walter, Kings Pride and Matilda.

In fact, the research conducted by Hort Innovation (formerly Horticulture Australia) and the Department of Primary Industries Queensland (DPI QLD) found Sapphire performed well in the shade growth tests with results well above average for this buffalo.

2. Copes with tough climate

sapphire buffalo close shot of leaf blade

Sapphire Buffalo is drought tolerant once established – but, like all plants does require water.

Requirements of Sapphire Turf do depend on the environmental factors so be aware of a drying climate and water your lawn accordingly.

Sapphire Turf grows in most parts of Australia and also has excellent cold tolerance.

The best soils for your Sapphire Buffalo are loams, sandy loams and loamy sands.

If you have poor quality soils, they can easily be improved by adding the appropriate nutrients.

3. Hard-wearing, low maintenance lawn

Like most good Buffalo varieties, Sapphire Turf is a durable and robust lawn, ideal for families with children and pets.

Hard wear and tear are not a problem with Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo due to its good recovery rate.

Sapphire Buffalo’s strong dense growth also means it has a solid resistance to weeds.

And unlike most Buffalo varieties, Sapphire Turf has a low thatch rate – meaning less maintenance and more time to enjoy your lawn.

4. Deep green colour

With a deep green colour, Sapphire Buffalo is renowned for being soft to the touch – especially underfoot.

Behind Sapphire Turf’s softness is the fine folded leaf and dense growth which also aids in creating an excellent winter colour.

Sapphire Buffalo Lawn Care

A lawn care & maintenance routine for a Sapphire Buffalo lawn should include:

  • Mowing
  • Watering
  • Fertilising
  • Weed Prevention
  • Pest Control
  • Disease Prevention

Mowing Sapphire Buffalo

Close Up Shot of Sapphire Buffalo Grass

In full sun, Sapphire Buffalo can be mown to 35-45mm but in the shade mow down to 50-60mm.

It requires less mowing than Couch and Kikuyu and other Buffalo varieties.

During summer water your Sapphire Buffalo twice a week for 15 minutes. 

The best time between 6am and 8am and then once a week for 45 minutes.

Watering a Sapphire Buffalo Lawn

watering a green lawnWatering your newly installed Sapphire Buffalo properly ensures the lawn becomes firmly established and lays down firm roots.

Begin watering your new lawn within a half hour of it being laid. Apply at least 2cm to 3cm or water so that the soil beneath the Sapphire Turf is very wet.

Monitor the dryness off your new Sapphire Buffalo by pulling back a corner of the grass and pushing a screwdriver into the soil. It should push in easily if the soil has a lot of moisture in the first 7cm to 10cm, if not, you need to apply water.

As the Sapphire Turf starts to establish its new roots into the soil it will be difficult, or near impossible, to pull a corner of the grass back to check moisture. You can still use a sharp tool to ensure enough moisture is getting into the top 7cm to 10cm.

Also, using a wetting agent when watering your Sapphire Buffalo reduces the watering length which is of great benefit to those living in areas where water restrictions exist.

Long-term watering

Sprinkler Spraying Water on Buffalo Grass

Watering of Sapphire Grass is best done in the morning when considerably less water loss occurs.

As the Sapphire Turf becomes established then infrequent and deep watering is preferred to frequent and shallow watering because the roots will only grow as deep as its most frequently available water supply.

During summer water your sapphire Buffalo twice a week for 15 minutes between 6am and 8am and then once a week for 45 minutes.

Deeply rooted Sapphire Grass has a larger soil-water bank to draw moisture from and this will help the grass survive during tough drought conditions.

Fertilising Sapphire Buffalo Lawns

Fertilising your lawnLike most grasses, to remain strong Sapphire Buffalo needs to be fed with a slow release fertiliser one a month after installation.

In early April and early September then use a complete fertiliser on your Sapphire Buffalo for the best growth results.

At other times of the year use a slow release fertiliser on your Sapphire Turf.

If you are eager to have a quick green-up of your Sapphire Buffalo, then use a fertiliser high in nitrogen to promote lush green lawn.

Sapphire Weed Prevention & Control

It also has a strong resistance to pest and weeds so has reduced herbicide and chemical requirements.

If weeds infest, first try removing by hand before seed heads appear or apply a suitable herbicide (check the label to make sure it is suitable to apply on Sapphire Buffalo).

Common Pest and Diseases

African Black Beetle

Sapphire Buffalo has a greater resistance to pests and fungi compared to most other grass varieties.

However, if problems occur watch for lawn grub (i.e. Web Worm or Army Worm) and African Black Beetle (see above).

If found apply suitable pesticides according to the label’s directions.

Sapphire Buffalo Pricing Guide

Turf Supplier Laying New LawnPrice-wise, Sapphire Buffalo is one of the most affordable high-quality Soft Leaf Buffalo lawns on the market, retailing between $10 and $15 per square metre. 

The price of Sapphire Buffalo is dependent on whether you decide to install the lawn yourself or pay someone as well as the distance your turf needs to travel to be delivered.

If you want a quote on having your new lawn installed, make sure you ask your myhomeTURF supplier for one when getting three quotes.

Where to Find a Sapphire Buffalo Supplier?

Sapphire Buffalo can be grown in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Your local Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.

Price wise – As one of the newest Buffalo’s on the market, Sapphire Turf is reasonably priced to afford you a good-looking lawn between $12 to $20 per metre square. To get more Sapphire Buffalo pricing info, visit our Sapphire Buffalo info page and get 3 quotes from your local Sapphire growers today.

Ensure You're Buying Genuine

myhomeTURF’s Certificate of Authenticity provides you with the confidence and satisfaction that you have bought the genuine variety from our licenced farmers. Don’t forget to ask for your own certificate when you have purchased your new lawn – and enjoy!



Sapphire Buffalo Fast Facts

Family Playing on Soft Sapphire Buffalo Lawn

Winter Colour:  Maintains a good winter colour especially when well fertilised.

Drought Tolerance:  Excellent drought tolerance once well-established due to its deep root system. Research in 2007 found Sapphire Turf had the best rating when the water was turned off for 30 days compared to 7 tested Buffalo varieties.

Wear Tolerance:  Due to Sapphire Turf’s deep roots and ability to recovery quickly it tolerates high rates of wear and tear.

Establishment:  Sapphire Turf is quicker to strike than the older generation Buffalo varieties.

Shade Tolerance:  Sapphire Turf is the best Buffalo in shade and is good at 0% – 60% shade and often works in 70% shade but will reduce in quality.

Cold Tolerance:  Sapphire Buffalo has been grown at temperatures down to -10°C in Canberra.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does Sapphire Buffalo look like? Sapphire Buffalo has medium-broad leaves that are folded uniquely to give the appearance of a fine leaf that is soft to touch underfoot.
  • What type of lawn is Sapphire?  Sapphire is a Buffalo Soft Leaf Lawn.
  • How much sun does Sapphire Buffalo need?  Sapphire Buffalo can grow in full or part sun.
  • Is Sapphire Buffalo shade tolerant?  Sapphire Buffalo can withstand up to 60% shade cover and can often grow in 70% shade.
  • Is Sapphire Buffalo grass pet friendly?  Sapphire Buffalo’s strong root system means it has high wear tolerance and is suitable for pets and children.
  • How often should I water Sapphire Buffalo?  During summer water your Sapphire Buffalo twice a week for 15 minutes between 6am and 8am and then once a week for 45 minutes.
  • What is the best length to cut Sapphire Buffalo?  In full sun, Sapphire Buffalo can be mown to 35-45mm but in the shade mow down to 50-60mm. It requires less mowing than Couch and Kikuyu and other Buffalo varieties.
  • Can I grow Sapphire Buffalo from seed?  It is very difficult to grow Sapphire Buffalo from seed and not advised. It is best to purchase Sapphire Buffalo as instant lawn rolls or slabs from your nearest supplier.
  • Is Sapphire Buffalo a St Augustine variety? Buffalo grasses such as Sapphire are commonly known as St Augustine grasses in North America.
  • Can I plant Sapphire Buffalo lawn in winter? You can plant Sapphire Buffalo lawn in winter but in southern states due to the cold it will be slower to establish.
  • Is Sapphire Buffalo a Soft Leaf Buffalo? Sapphire Buffalo is a very popular Soft Leaf Buffalo.
  • Is Sapphire Buffalo good with dogs? Sapphire Buffalo’s high performance and fast stolon/runner growth means it recovers quickly from wear.
  • Will Sapphire Buffalo mix with other Buffalo grass? Sapphire Buffalo will mix with other Buffalo grasses – always identify which one you mix it with first.

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